Kenyapharmtech Pharmacy Revision Book 2

  • Version 2021
  • Download 371
  • File Size 5 MB
  • Create Date September 29, 2019

Pharmacy is the science and technique of preparing, dispensing, and review of drugs and providing additional clinical services. It is a health profession that links health sciences with pharmaceutical sciences and aims to ensure the safe, effective, and affordable use of drugs. The professional practice is becoming more clinically oriented as most of the drugs are now manufactured by pharmaceutical industries. Based on the setting, the pharmacy is classified as a community or institutional pharmacy. Providing direct patient care in the community of institutional pharmacies are considered clinical pharmacy

This easy-to-use book covers the key competencies that will be tested during your Pharmacy Examinations .Written in a concise and accessible way, all types of situations are covered from responding to a specific symptom to solving calculations.

Completely revised to reflect current progress in pharmacy education and practice, the Edition of this best-selling review guide is indispensable for all pharmacy students.

A wide range of topics central to the study of pharmacy are covered and they include:

  • Pharmaceutics
  • Pharmacology & Therapeutics
  • Pharmacognosy
  • Pharmaceutical / Medicinal Chemistry
  • Dispensing & Pharmacy Calculations
  • Drug supply and Management
  • Pharmacy Law / forensic pharmacy
  • ICT  in Pharmacy

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"This book really helped me when i was preparing for my board Exams.Thanks Kenyapharmtech"

Mercy Wangui
Pharmaceutical Technologist